Winning an award is quite shocking in itself, and to give an acceptance speech thereafter can fluster you thoroughly. Here, we provide some sample award acceptance speeches that will help you overcome your shock and surprise, and deliver a good speech. Take a look.
So you have been nominated for an award, and you think your chances of winning are high. Of course, every nominee has that thought and as much as they say that there’s no chance that they are going to win, everyone secretly practices their award speeches and their graceful acceptance of the award. While in your head your thoughts are clear and you know exactly what you are going to say, when you actually win the award, things are different. As much as you wanted to win it, you find yourself flustered, scared, shocked, and sort of numb. All those speeches you had practiced are forgotten. As much as you don’t want that to happen, and want to be that person who can crack jokes and elicit a little laugh from the audience upon giving your acceptance speech, just consider the occurrence of the aforementioned scenario likely. In any case, there are always some sample award speeches you can go through, along with some tips on keeping your cool so that you can give the acceptance speech exactly as you had imagined it.
How to Give an Award Acceptance Speech A little charm is all you want, to bedazzle your audience, when you go up to accept the award and follow it up with a speech. How do you go about doing that? Let’s take a look.
- Start by looking good on the day. When you win an award, you will definitely be in the limelight. Whether the award is for scoring well on a subject at the year end in school, or for employee of the year, dress well.
- When your name is called out, go and accept your award graciously. Then, head to the podium to make your award speech.
- Your job is to make a good connection with the audience. Start by thanking the ‘jury’ for the award, followed by a thanks for everyone who has helped you win this award. This does not mean you include your pet’s name in the speech too. You can mention how shocking it is for you to receive the award, but don’t do that unless it comes from within. In some cases, it just looks forced.
- Your speech has to be short. You cannot stretch it for anything longer than two minutes, else it will get boring. Think of how you would feel as a part of the audience, if an award winner would just not stop talking about what his award means to him.
While these were some basic tips on writing a good award speech, here are two samples that will give you an idea about giving an excellent speech.
Sample 1
Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen! I am extremely honored to be receiving such an important award (mention the name of the award). I am earnestly grateful for the recognition I have received for my work, because I am very sure that every other nominee for this award was as capable if not more, of winning this award. I have faced several challenges on my way here, but each one of them has only strengthened me to make me the person I am today; a thorough professional who knows exactly what she wants; someone who sets her eyes on a goal and does not lose sight of it, unless it is achieved. Winning this award would not have been possible without the inspiration I have received from my seniors and my colleagues, for whom I have the deepest respect, and from whom I have derived the strength to challenge myself and perform better at each stage. I sincerely thank eachone of you (mention a few important names if you wish to) for helping me reach a stage where I can proudly hold up this award as a mark of my achievement. I also promise to only get better at my work so that you can see me here for a more such awards. Thank you! |
Sample 2
Good Evening Everyone!
Having been a student of this university for three years now, I can safely say that I never thought I would be standing here and receiving this award for (mention award name). In the last two years, I assure you, I have tried my best to get here, but there was always someone who outdid me. In retrospect, I think it was a good thing because it made me want to only do better than I ever did. Never have I felt this intense passion to win an award or any accolade for that matter. I don’t know what changed me, but whatever it was, I’m glad that it did. Let me tell you that it is not just my sole effort that has brought me here. I would like to make a special mention of a professor, Ms./Mr. (Name) who has been my mentor throughout my stay here. It is only her who saw the passion in me when I couldn’t see it myself. She saw my talent and honed it such that I am now standing here and talking to all of you about it. Everyone needs such a mentor in life, and I am lucky to have found mine. Thank you Ma’am for making me who I am today. On a closing note, all I want to tell each one of you present here today, is that you should never, never, never give up, even if you are convinced that it’s all over. It’s not over unless you want it to be, and a true example of this is me, standing right here, in front of you. Thank you very much! |
All in all, an award acceptance speech has to be given straight from the heart. No matter how much you read up and how much you practice, it is the flood of emotions at that particular moment that directs your speech. If you can be funny, feel free to add a dash of humor to your speech. Just don’t crack jokes that will dampen the audience’s mood. If you think you can’t be funny, keep it simple, and you will do just fine. All the best!