Coming up with topics that are informative, as well as funny is not a very difficult task. Just look around you; you are likely to find humor in almost everything. In any case, if you are having trouble, this SocialMettle article lists out a few funny and humorous informative speech topics.
Contrary to popular belief, being funny is no easy task. The term ‘funny’ is in fact too broad, and most of the time, the focus usually is on being witty. While your attempts at being funny and witty in front of your friends may be acceptable, being funny in front of a whole crowd may not go as planned. To be able to charm a wide audience, and deliver something that every one of them will find funny is a real art. Fortunately, it is also something that can be mastered with exposure to various types of humor, and some practice. If you need to find a list of funny informative speech topics, you can choose absolutely any, because any situation can be looked at with a humorous approach. So, here’s a list of some topics that you can work on and have your audience in splits.
Fun and Informative Speech Topics
Giving a funny speech can be considered to be a kind of a stand up act. With you looking for humor in things people couldn’t possibly imagine, it is bound to be a fun event. However, do remember that it has to last for the specified amount of time, make sense, and even present facts (that you can later question or make fun of). While the topic is required to be informative, it is not really necessary that this information may be valuable. For instance, you could talk about funny ways in which an excuse may be provided for always being late, or how being lazy is actually a smart move. So, are those creative juices flowing yet? Still need a little push? Here’s a list of some topics that will get those wheels turning.
➠ Things you can learn from your pet
➠ How to choose your friends
➠ How procrastinating is a lot of hard work
➠ Why men think being a woman is more advantageous, and vice versa
➠ How equal are ‘equal rights’
➠ How not to give a funny speech
➠ The benefits of a virtual life versus real life
➠ How to drive a stalker away
➠ What babies understand from baby talk
➠ The transition of a man to a husband and a father
➠ What women say and what they actually mean
➠ What men say and what they actually mean
➠ How to survive a blind date gone wrong
➠ How to deal with the economic recession
➠ Why patience is not really a virtue
➠ Keeping up with a boring conversation at a party
➠ How to look attentive when you are actually not
➠ How to enjoy your meeting with the president
➠ The democracy of the English language (Discussion on the list of newly included words in Oxford dictionary)
➠ The fuss about size zero
➠ Excuses beyond ‘the dog ate my homework’
➠ Your version of the ‘I have a dream…’ speech
➠ How to prepare for and perform the ‘First Dance’
➠ How to impress your in-laws
➠ Why being a millionaire is not for everyone
Obviously, each of these topics requires you to present your take on them. That is what will prove your sense of humor, wit, and intelligence. Feel free to infuse some sarcasm into the speech to truly bring out its essence. As you can see, humor can be infused into almost any subject. A lighter take on serious questions, or questions that make you wonder is a great way to elicit a good laugh from a huge crowd. Use these topics as they are, or get inspired from them to come up with some of your own, and become a star among the crowd you intend to please with your funny speech.