Many a time we find it difficult to phrase right words for someone’s condolence. We do not want to hurt the one who has lost his/her loved one with our words and hence, it is necessary that we know, what to say when someone dies.
Death is something which is harsh and leaves you speechless for a long time. When someone, who is very close to you, loses a loved one, you find it difficult to find words that can help you express your feelings. Even though conveying condolence is not easy, you cannot run away from it. Keeping mum or running away from the situation is not a solution, since you must acknowledge the fact of death. We often stumble upon the wrong phrases that can hurt the griever. Consoling for death is quite challenging, and here are some guidelines on things to say when someone dies.
What You Should Say
Sudden loss of a loved one is very difficult to face and consoling for such unexpected or accidental death is also difficult, since you yourself cannot believe or accept the fact. At such times, you can use words like, “I am so sorry, I just cannot believe it” or you can say, “I just do not know what to say”. Non-verbal gestures also convey lots of things and griever is assured that you are always there for him/her. So, if you are unable to say anything then, a warm hug, arms on shoulder, a tight handshake or a pat on back can help express your sympathy towards the griever.
What You Should Write on a Sympathy Card
What You Should Never Say
- “At least his/her suffering is over”
- “Things will be normal again soon”
- “We all have to deal with loss”
- “You shouldn’t feel this way”
There is no specific framed answer to the question, what things to say when someone dies. But, one should take care that he/she does not use harsh statements. Do not use too much of philosophical statements and just express your feelings in short by using the exact words.