Are you looking for some cool words to impress your friends? If yes, you are at the right place as here you will find a list of cool words that you can use during informal conversations.
Many people, especially teenagers have the habit of using certain words in between conversations which they consider to be really cool. Many times these words do not have any meaning. But, then why are these words considered to be cool? One of the main reasons that make people use these words is the way they sound. Another reason would be just to impress the people they are talking to. However, many of these words have become common and hence, people are in search of some cool words that will make them stand out among a group of friends. So, if you are interested, here is a list of really cool words that you can use while talking to them.
List of Sophisticated Words
Most of us have the habit of using a word that comes to the mind automatically during certain situations. Though there are people who use it because they know their meaning, there are many who say something because it sounds really cool. On the other hand, as I said earlier, many of these words do not mean anything and even if they do, they are not said because of its meaning. Rather, it is just the effect that it gives to one’s speech, is what makes it really cool. So, let us take a look at some of these cool words. (Do keep in mind though to take most of the meanings mentioned here with a pinch of salt, as they are meant solely to tickle your funny-bone.)
Aborigine : a member of any of the indigenous people of Australia
Albuquerque : from the Latin: Absconditus : meaning hidden, concealed
Ambidextrous : unusually skillful
Anemone : a type of garden plan
Antasmagorical : a confusing or strange scene that is like a dream because it is always changing in an odd way
Apropos : suitable or appropriate
Arachnophobia : the fear of spiders
Archipelago : a group of islands
Artichoke : a phrase used in expressing affection or love to someone, synonymous with the sentence ‘I love you’
Ashen : having a pale light gray color because of sickness, fear, etc.
Aspersions : to criticize (someone) harshly or unfairly
Assay : to test something (such as a metal or drug) to find out what it contains
Assonance : the use of words that have the same or very similar vowel sounds near one another
Astral : involving a person’s spirit rather than the body
Augur : to show or suggest something that might happen in the future
Avuncular : like an uncle : kind or friendly like an uncle
Babble : to talk foolishly or too much
Banterific : an adjective similar to fantastic or brilliant
Beautimous : beautiful & fabulous at the same time
Bedlam : a very noisy and confused state or scene
Beeblebrox’s gambit : a tactical maneuver, used while getting hammered, that involves
sending down more drinks to report on or assess the progress of previous ones
Blotchy : a usually dark-colored spot especially on the skin
Blubber : a large amount of fat
Bongo : a person or animal that has deep-rooted psychological or mental illness
Borborygmus : stomach rumble
Bowchickawowwow : a sound to show excitement
Boysenberry : a large reddish-black berry that has the flavor of a raspberry
Bravura : great skill and energy in doing something
Brouhaha : uproar, hubbub, general noise and confusion
Buff : very strong and well-built
Buggy : something that is annoying, obnoxious, frustrating
Bush : one who puts self-gains in front of human life
Buzz : gossip
Cacophony : a collection of annoying, out-of-place sounds
Cantankerous : hard to get along with, troublesome
Cerulean : pleasing to the eye
Chachapoyas : strong male
Charley horse : a stiff and painful cramp in a muscle
Chasuble : a sleeveless vestment
Chimichanga : (Just sounds pretty cool!)
Chunk : something large or massive
Clang : a loud sound
Clapper : urban slang: a gun
Clipped : urban slang: to shoot someone
Cloaca : an idiot
Clorox : almost sure
Clover : someone who always gets lucky
Cloying : overly sweet or sentimental
Cognizable : capable of being known
Colloquy : a high-level serious discussion
Concupiscence : strong desire
Conspicuous : likely to attract attention
Coprolite : technical term for fossilized dung – literally, an ancient piece of shit
Corinthian : a merry profligate man
Crawly : creepy
Crinkle : a cross between a crease and a wrinkle
Crunch : to chew or press with a crushing noise
Curmudgeon : a crusty, ill-tempered, and usually old man
Debauchery : extreme indulgence in sensuality
Dimple : a slight natural indentation in the surface of some part of the human body
Doodle : to draw thoughtlessly, usually out of boredom
Drongo : a stupid, inept, dimwit or slow-witted person
Droopy : gloomy
Edentulous : toothless
Eel : a person that is disliked by his looks and behavior
Embellish : to heighten the attractiveness of by adding decorative or fanciful details
Exacerbate : to make more violent, bitter, or severe
Fandango : trying hard to be cool, in an ostentatious or overly obvious way, usually with style of dress but also can include mannerisms or behavior
Fealty : intense fidelity
Ferret : an active and persistent searcher
Festoon : to adorn what otherwise may’ve been met with scorn
FĂȘte : a large elaborate party
Fictive : not genuine
Fisticuffs : a fight with the fists
Flabbergast : to overwhelm with shock, surprise, or wonder
Flagitious : marked by scandalous crime or vice
Flashy : other word for cool, nice, sexy
Flowy : something that flows; soft; delicate; beautiful; perhaps slow; glides smoothly
Foamy : full of, consisting of, or resembling foam
Frazzled : to put in a state of extreme physical or nervous fatigue
Freckles : any of the small brownish spots on the skin due to augmented melanin production that increase in number and intensity on exposure to sunlight
Frick : euphemism for ‘f#ck’
Frivolous :of little weight or importance
Frizzy : tightly curled
Fructose : urban slang: to scam someone with excessive niceness
Fuji : a spun silk clothing fabric in plain weave originally made in Japan
Fusillade : a spirited outburst especially of criticism
Fusty : rigidly old-fashioned or reactionary
Futtock : an irritating person or fool, sounds rude but isn’t
Geek : a person often of an intellectual bent who is disliked
Gimpy : a nickname for someone who is retarded, handicapped, or a wordspazz
Glare : to stare angrily or fiercely
Gnarly : urban slang: difficult, or hairy
Gonfalon : a flag that hangs from a crosspiece or frame
Gorgonzola : used in reference to something which is totally useless
Grok : to understand profoundly and intuitively
Gubernatorial : of or relating to a governor
Gumshoe : to engage in detective work
Harbinger : one that pioneers in or initiates a major change
Heckle : to harass and try to disconcert with questions, challenges, or gibes
Heliocentric : referred to or measured from the sun’s center or appearing as if seen from it
Heterodoxy : the quality or state of being heterodox
Hijinks : boisterous or rambunctious carryings-on
Hokum : pretentious nonsense
Hortatory : giving strong encouragement, throwing away any depressed, listless, and abject mind from someone who suffers distraction of mind
Hubris : exaggerated pride or self-confidence
Huddle : to crowd together
Hyperventilate : to breathe rapidly and deeply
Hysteria : behavior exhibiting overwhelming or unmanageable fear or emotional excess
Icicle : an emotionally cold person
Icky : offensive to the senses or sensibilities
Iconoclast : a person who attacks settled beliefs or institutions
Incomprehensible : having or subject to no limits
Ineffable : incapable of being expressed in words
Jabberwocky : meaningless speech or writing
Jactance : vainglorious boasting
Jazzy : marked by unrestraint, animation, or flashiness
Jocose : indicative of or marked by high spirits or good humor
Kakidrosis : secretion of sweat of a disagreeable odor
Kamerad : used by German soldiers in World War I as a cry of surrender
Kamikaze : having or showing reckless disregard for safety or personal welfare
Katzenjammer : hangover, distress
Kazoo : A greeting used in certain parts of New York City
Kewl : Internet slang and spelling for the word ‘cool’
Lilliputian : small, miniature
Linchpin : one that serves to hold together parts or elements that exist or function as a unit
Lisp : to speak falteringly, childishly, or with a lisp
Lobe : a curved or rounded projection or division
Loopy : crazy, bizarre
Louche : not reputable or decent
Ludicrous : amusing or laughable through obvious absurdity, incongruity, exaggeration, or eccentricity
Lugubrious : exaggeratedly or affectedly mournful
Lumpsucker : a fish of the family Cyclopteridae
Malefic : causing or capable of causing harm or destruction
Masticate : to soften or reduce to pulp by crushing or kneading
Maudlin : weakly and effusively sentimental
Melancholy : a pensive mood
Metamorphosize : transform
Miasmic : an influence or atmosphere that tends to deplete or corrupt
Minty : urban slang: embarrassing
Moxie : courage, determination
Nary : not any, not one
Natty : trimly neat and tidy
Nebbish : a timid, meek, or ineffectual person
Nefandous : unfit to be spoken of
Neon : extremely bright
Oaxaca : sometimes used as a curse word
Obfuscate : to be evasive, unclear, or confusing
Obnoxious : extremely unpleasant
Obsequious : to use excessive flattery
Obsolescent : going out of use
Ocelo : to attack, to assault
Ochlocracy : government by the mob
Oncogenes : a gene having the potential to cause a normal cell to become cancerous
Orifice : an opening through which something may pass
Orotund : pompous, bombastic
Osculate : kiss
Paragon : a model of excellence or perfection
Paroxysm : a sudden violent emotion or action
Peachy : unusually fine
Pellet : a bitter person, who is difficult to deal with
Peppercorn : something that is worthless
Precipitate : to bring about especially abruptly
Perdition : eternal damnation
Periwinkle : a light purplish blue flower
Perky : briskly self-assured
Presto : suddenly as if by magic
Phylactery : an amulet
Piddle : urinate
Pinochle : a card game
Plasticize : the act of pursuing cosmetic surgery beyond corrective procedures
Plinth : falling, usually as the result of inebriation
Plop : to set, drop, or throw heavily
Plutonic : a friendship or relationship in which there is no possibility of romantic progress
Podunk : a small, unimportant, and isolated town
Poinsettia : a popular flowering plant
Poltroon : a spiritless coward
Preposterous : contrary to nature, reason, or common sense
Prodigious : exciting amazement or wonder
Promulgate : to put into action or force
Pugilism : boxing
Pumpernickel : a dark coarse sourdough bread made of unbolted rye flour
Quadragenarian : a person between 40 and 49 years of age
Quack : one who makes false claims of identity or expertise
Quintessential : the most typical example or representative
Quixotic : foolishly impractical especially in the pursuit of ideals
Quotidian : occurring every day
Ravenous : very eager or greedy for food, satisfaction, or gratification
Rectitude : conduct that conforms to an accepted standard of right and wrong
Resplendent : shining brilliantly
Roly-poly : short and pudgy
Rutabaga : a kind of turnip
Saccade : a small rapid jerky movement of the eye especially as it jumps from fixation on one point to another (as in reading)
Saccate : having the form of a sac or pouch
Salience : a striking point or feature
Satsuma : any of several cultivated cold-tolerant mandarin trees that bear medium-sized largely seedless fruits with thin smooth skin
Schadenfreude : enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others
Schnitzel : a seasoned and garnished veal cutlet
Scion : a descendant of a wealthy, aristocratic, or influential family
Scramble : to move with urgency or panic
Scrumptious : delightful, excellent
Semaphore : a system of visual signaling by two flags held one in each hand
Serendipity : the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for
Shimmer : to shine with a soft tremulous or fitful light
Shrew : an ill-tempered scolding woman
Sinuous : winding
Skamakowitz : (Just sounds really cool! Tip: Goes great with a fake Russian accent!)
Skank : urban slang: a person and especially a woman of low or sleazy character
Sliced : urban slang: describing anything good
Sliver : a small and narrow portion
Slushy : having a cheaply sentimental quality
Smarmy : of low sleazy taste or quality
Sonic : having a frequency within the audibility range of the human ear
Specificity : the quality or condition of being specific
Spiffy : fine looking
Squelch : to completely suppress
Starry : shining like stars
Sternum : front chest bone to which ribs are joined
Stiletto : a slender dagger with a blade thick in proportion to its breadth
Stochastic : involving chance or probability
Stroll : to walk in a leisurely or idle manner
Sturm und Drang : turmoil
Subjugate : to make submissive
Subterfuge : deception by artifice or strategem in order to conceal, escape, or evade
Sudsy : a generally positive and acceptable situation, person, place or thing
Supercilious : coolly and patronizingly haughty
Sutler : a civilian provisioner to an army post often with a shop on the post
Swank : show off, swagger
Swashbuckler : a swaggering or daring soldier or adventurer
Tabula rasa : something existing in its original pristine state
Taciturn : temperamentally disinclined to talk
Thorn : something that causes distress or irritation
Thump : whip, thrash
Thunk : to produce a flat hollow sound
Tingle : to feel a ringing, stinging, prickling, or thrilling sensation
Titicaca : name of a lake in Peru (just sounds cool)
Tornadic : an adjective used to emphasize extreme amazement – in a manner that would ‘make a person’s head spin’ – like a tornado
Turgid : excessively embellished in style or language
Tutelary : having the guardianship of a person or a thing
Umbra : a shaded area
Unction : revealing or marked by a smug, ingratiating, and false earnestness or spirituality
Undulant : rising and falling in waves
Upchuck : vomit
Vagile : free to move about
Vaniloquence : vain or foolish talk
Vendetta : an often prolonged series of retaliatory, vengeful, or hostile acts or exchange of such acts
Veracious : being in the habit of telling the truth
Voluble : easily rolling or turning
Waffling : to talk or write foolishly
Warble : a melodious succession of low pleasing sounds
Wedgie : the condition of having one’s clothing wedged between the buttocks usually from having one’s pants or underpants yanked up from behind as a prank
Weimerheiner : (another cool word that just sounds very German!)
Wenus : the skin on your elbow
Whirligig : one that continuously whirls, moves, or changes
Xanthippe : an ill-tempered woman
Xenial : of, relating to, or constituting hospitality or relations between host and guest
Xenodocheionology : the lore of hotels and inns
Xenophobia : fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign
Xylology : a branch of dendrology dealing with the gross and the minute structure of wood
Yeanling : lamb, kid
Yamen : the headquarters or residence of a Chinese government official or department
Yegg : safecracker
Younker : a young man
Yeuk : itch
Zaftig : having a full rounded figure
Zappy : very quick or speedy
Zeal : eagerness and ardent interest in pursuit of something
Zeitgeist : the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era
Zenith : the highest point reached in the heavens by a celestial body
Zesty : appealingly piquant or lively
Zine : a noncommercial often homemade or online publication usually devoted to specialized and often unconventional subject matter
Zinger : something causing or meant to cause interest, surprise, or shock
Zoetic : of or relating to life
Zonked : stupefied by or as if by alcohol or a drug
Zounds : euphemism for God’s wounds
Meanings from Merriam-Webster, and the Urban Dictionary
You can choose one or two among these cool words as your own signature words which you can use when you hear something about a particular situation, person or thing. So, choose your favorites among this list of cool words and impress your friends by using them in a unique way.