Various occasions require different types of speeches to be presented. In the following article, we will go over the various speeches which can be delivered to the audience…
Be sincere; be brief; be seated. – Franklin D. Roosevelt, on speech making. |
When I think about public speaking, my body automatically reacts with heavy, nervous breathing and a loud thumping sound in my chest. This merely is a way of telling me that I am soon to face an audience and they are going to hear me speak. I don’t know what it is about me and public speaking, but every time I get to it, I just can’t seem to demonstrate the same kind of confidence I would have, if I were talking to a group of people. Now I know that I’m not the only person on this planet that showcases these reactions to making speeches, as there are thousands others who have similar or more intense feelings toward them. Well, no matter how and what I feel, there are many different occasions that call for speeches and I found that avoiding the same is far more difficult that thought.
Over the years, I have found that giving speeches can in fact be quite interesting as it means that for a certain amount of time, I will grab the attention of my audience (not necessarily all of them). Now when I say ‘speech’, people automatically assume that I am talking about the four basic speeches – informative, demonstrative, persuasive, and entertaining. Truth be told, there are many more speeches that are often overlooked as they may not be that common in use. Nonetheless, these speeches exist and that’s what we are here to find out. In this SocialMettle article, we are going to learn about the various kinds of speeches that you may (or may not) use at least once in your life.
Different Types of Speeches
As you read through the various speeches, you will learn how and where these speeches are used. Along with the name of the speeches, their description have also been provided. Take a look.
Acceptance Speech
When an individual receives a kind of award or prize, an acceptance speech is given. Here, the speech usually comprises the individual sharing praises for people who supported him/her to reach this far and genuinely feel thankful and/or appreciative of the award.
Anniversary Speech
As the name suggests, this speech is given to congratulate a married couple on reaching such an incredible milestone in their life and marriage together. The speech is quite informal in nature as mostly family and friends are the ones who deliver it. Anniversary speeches are pretty short and mostly include special moments and memories about the couple.
Birthday Speech
This speech is usually given by the birthday boy/girl. It is an informal affair which includes family and friends as guests. A birthday speech can also be given by family members and/or friends in which the speech mostly has a special salutation where everyone (guests) raise their glasses to wish the birthday boy/girl.
Commencement Speech
This speech is delivered to students who are graduating from the university. The commencement ceremony, where the degrees and/or diplomas are being handed to the students, the speech is presented by an important, more noticeable figure from the community.
Demonstrative Speech
This speech is designed and delivered in such a way that the audience can be shown how to do certain things. The use of visual aids and printed material is necessary so that the audience can follow the speaker as he/she moves along the speech.
Entertaining Speech
As the name suggests, an entertaining speech is given by the speaker in order to amuse the audience. The speech is the means for laughter and pleasure where the speaker uses jokes and anecdotes. Basically, these speeches are to be enjoyed to the fullest.
Eulogy (speech)
Eulogies are given at a funeral service when someone has recently passed away. This kind of speech can be delivered for a living person as well where the occasion calls for such as their birthday. A eulogy is not similar to elegy and obituary.
Farewell Speech
This speech is given in the honor of an individual who is moving away to another place. The reason can be many for this move such as marriage, career, etc., and the speech is supposed to tell that individual that everyone is going to miss him/her after their departure.
Graduation Speech
As the name suggests, this speech is given by a student, in high school, college, or university at the time of graduation. The speech is presented in front of the graduating class, teachers and professors, family members, and friends. A graduation speech should be short, concise, entertaining, and unique where the speaker touches few important incidents from the past and talk about the upcoming and unknown future.
Impromptu Speech
This speech, as the name suggests, is prepared and delivered in a short amount of time. The speaker doesn’t have the liberty of time and has to come up with the content to be spoken at the speech within minutes. An impromptu speech is one of the different styles of speeches for high school and university students, as well as politicians.
Informative Speech
In this speech, the speaker collects ideas, facts, and helpful information to support the speech. An informative speech educates the audience about an important subject and tries to give the audience complete information about it.
Inspirational Speech
This speech, as the name would highlight, the speaker persuades or convinces the audience that anything they put their mind to in life, they will succeed. The speech is given to inspire the audience and instill confidence in them by presenting uplifting stories. The attitude throughout the speech is basically of “can do”.
Introduction Speech
As the name suggests, the introduction speech is given by the speaker to introduce the speaker for the day and his/her subject. Through this speech, the audience becomes well aware of who the speaker is and what will be covered in the speech given by him/her.
Memorized Speech
A memorized speech is given at formal events. The speech is first written and then the speaker memorizes it word-for-word as it has to be delivered in the same manner. The speaker doesn’t use notes or index cards to remind him/her of the speech as it is memorized.
Motivational Speech
As the name suggests, a motivational speech is given to motivate and convince people to believe in something or point of view. Let it be any subject, the audience is given the main reason or problem about the same, is presented with the benefits, and then is provided with the much required motivation to pursue it fully.
Persuasive Speech
During this speech, the speaker provides valuable and factual information about the subject where the audience is meant to think, act, and believe in a particular ideology. The persuasive speech basically shows positive or negative side of the subject at hand and gives the audience the necessary information to make their educated deductions.
Retirement Speech
As the name suggests, the retirement speech is given when an individual is retiring from work. This speech highlights the milestone in that individual’s work life and end of career. Filled with laughter and sadness, the retirement speech is a good way to appreciate the individual’s hard work and dedication to his/her work.
Toast (speech)
A toast in itself is a speech given at events such as birthdays, anniversaries, and weddings. The speaker has a drink in his/her hand and says a few words that identifies and presents goodwill to that particular occasion, event, or person.
Tribute Speech
This speech pays tribute or praises the individual who is either dead or alive. The speaker develops admiration, respect, and knowledge about the person for whom the speech is given.
These were a few speeches according to purpose. If, even by accident, we have forgotten to mention any speeches, please do leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you about the same.