Many of us fumble when it comes to talking about something interesting with someone new. Here’s an article that will give you some good topics, so that you’re not lost the next time.
When it comes to having a decent conversation, many of us get tongue-tied. Whether it is a new person we’ve only just met, or a person that we’ve been eying for quite some time. It’s only natural to feel a little nervous around an unknown person. And when it comes to someone you like, it’s even worse! You’re so petrified of making a fool of yourself, that you end up doing just that. But not to worry, because in this article, we’ll share some interesting topics to talk about with guys and girls. Or, if you’re looking to impress that girl you like, or for some things to talk about with your girlfriend, here’s the key. Just read on and take some pointers.
Topics to Talk About
When it comes to dating, most guys and girls get extremely cautious. They think a million times before using conversation starters. They agonize over ‘will she think I’m feigning interest?’ or ‘will he think I’m prying too deep?’. Well here’s a news flash! Girls, if the guy is opening up to you about something, you’re not prying too deep. He would not answer any of your questions if he was not comfortable answering them. And guys, a girl can get to know if you’re feigning interest, and also if you’re actually thinking that she’s doubting your interest while she’s talking! So stop thinking, and just LISTEN!
Guy Talk
There are so many interesting, weird, wacky, creative, fun, serious, funny, mature, decent topics to talk about with a guy. You don’t have to be stuck talking about the weather so, please use that as a last resort! Here are a few of the things to talk about with your boyfriend or with just any new guy you’ve just become friends with. Remember, being comfortable with yourself is what will make others comfortable enough to talk to you.
- What’s the wackiest thing you’ve ever done?
- If you had to choose between a year on Mars, and a lifetime on Earth, all alone, what would you choose?
- The jacket you’re wearing, where did you get it? My cousin wants one, and I can’t seem to find one.
- Did you hear about the robbery at the bank (if you’re from the same city)?
- What would you rather do – surf or ski?
- Which is your favorite sport?
- What kind of music do you like? (you can never go wrong with this one)
- Tell me 3 things about this place that you think I don’t know.
- Where are you from? How do you like your life here?
- Do you think the trip to the moon was a hoax?
- Which is the last terrible movie you saw?
- What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with Paris Hilton?
- Sugar or spice?
- If you could be at another place right at this moment, where would it be?
- What do you think is the most annoying thing that a girl can do?
Girl Talk
You must have noticed that the questions and topics mentioned are all quite neutral and safe. Well, that’s because these are basically things to talk about with someone you don’t really know that well. It’s that phase where you’re trying to get to know the person a little better, so that you can decide if you want to delve into more serious or personal conversation. Before that, just stick to these, which are safe and interesting nonetheless.
- Do you think you share any traits with a celebrity?
- What do you think is the most life altering decision you’ve made?
- You can talk to her about a funny thing that happened to you, on your way to meet her. (just please make sure it really happened, and was really funny)
- Is there some specific reason why girls always go to the washroom in groups?
- Who’s your favorite villain?
- Do you believe in vampires?
- What’s the most absurd thing that you’ve heard about yourself?
- Tell her about a place that you visited in the near past, and IF she seems interested, ask her if she’d like to go there with you and a couple of friends the next time.
- Ask her what she does for a living, and how she enjoys it.
- What do you do to relax?
- What’s your favorite TV show?
- What kind of movies do you like to watch?
- Do you know any good places to hang out? (to be asked only if you’re new to the area, don’t fake it please!)
- If you meet her at a place like an art gallery, or a bookshop, or some place that deals with a specific hobby, discuss a piece of art, or a book, or said hobby with her.
- Where do you think I’ll get some good Italian/French/Japanese/Chinese/Thai/Indian (take your pick) food?
The Classics
Well, seeing that you are in need of some serious help, having disregarded the topics mentioned above, I guess you’ll have to stick to some of the most common ones when you meet a new person. Be warned that these are fairly plain and may not really make any fireworks go off. Nevertheless, they are worth a try and have hence earned this place of honor in this article.
- If you’re at a show, concert, book reading, exhibition, etc., make small talk about the artist.
- If you’re meeting someone after a long time, then you have that long time gap to talk about, focusing on careers, love lives, family, etc.
- If it’s someone that you don’t really know very well, then you can safely discuss things like movies, music or art (provided you’ll are both interested in the same topic).
- Another very easy topic to talk about with someone is to ask them what their hobbies are and when he or she tells you what it is, make sure you show interest (read ask relevant questions) in it and in the process, learn something useful for yourself as well.
Keep one thing in mind. You’re not the only person having the conversation. There are two of you. So give yourself a breather, and let the other person speak as well. The more you talk about yourself, the less the person likes you, and the more you talk about the other person, the more he/she likes you. Even seemingly random things can steer a conversation towards something deep and meaningful. So don’t shy away from experimenting with the things that you can talk about. Keep these small things in mind, and you’ll never have to worry about having nothing to talk about.