Forms of communication have developed over a long period of time. Read on to know more about communication.
Communication is the key to evolution. Communication evolved ever since it has been known to the living species. However, it were humans who revolutionized it. Today, communication has gone from individual levels of conversing to mass communication.
Communication evolved as the human brain developed and became more receptive to the sounds and the events around him. Over a period of time, the historic records will show you that forms of communication have evolved very gradually, be it written, oral or pictorial communication.
What is Communication?
The definition of communication is ‘Communication is a process of transferring information from one entity to another’. However, it is not just a process. It’s an art of first listening or reading the information, comprehending it, processing it and then transferring it. There is a huge amount of effort that goes into communication. Gesticulations, voice modulation, body language and the spoken language are some of the important aspects of communication. If the other person is unable to comprehend any of these factors, then the process fails. Let us now see, what are the forms of communication.
Different Forms
• Business Letters
• Memos
• Presentations
• Notices
• Agenda
• Letters
• Announcements
• Meetings
• Feedback
• Policies
• Group Discussions
• Advertisements
• Memos
• Letters
• Declarations
• Press Releases
• Campaigns
• Annual General Meetings
• Meetings
• Publications
• Researched Articles for Journals
• Addressing to the Public at Large
• Manuals and Notices
Verbal Communication
Verbal communication is essentially the type of communication which uses words. It uses sounds in addition to the language, gestures and body language, used while communicating. Verbal communication helps in expressing thoughts, emotions and sentiments. A phone conversation, chat with a friend, an announcement made or a speech delivered are all verbal forms of communication. For most of us, it comes with ease. As children, we learned verbal communication through the sounds around us. We soon develop and start understanding the language which helps us to communicate verbally as we grow older.
Non Verbal Communication
Non-verbal communication is a process of communication without using words or sounds. Non-verbal communication uses gestures, body language, facial expressions, eye contact, clothing, hairstyles and every part of the body to communicate with the audience. Dances or a gesture made by a mother to a child, are the perfect examples of non-verbal communication.
Need for Communication
The need for communication arises due to the need to express. None of us can live with bottled up feelings. Thus, the basic need to communicate arises so that one can express. The same logic applies at every workplace, organization or any other place. The need for communication and the ability to communicate, helps in developing efficient management, organizational skills, laying down plans, establishing a healthy work culture and resolving impending issues.
Forms of communication have been derived as per convenience to simplify the process of communication. Communication is very important to keep the environment in a healthy and a peaceful state. Imagine a world where no one understands one another. Wouldn’t it be chaotic? Think about it…