How is your face shape related to your personality? Well, people with a round face are believed to be sensitive, while those with a square-shaped face are said to be practical. Does your face really reveal how you are? Read on to know more.
“Your face, my thane, is as a book where Men may read strange matters.”
– William Shakespeare
Face reading is a pseudoscience that deals with how the shape of one’s face and facial features reflect his/her personality. It is a technique which uses the size and shape of one’s facial features to interpret his/her personality. Now does this mean that a person can be judged by his/her face value in the literal sense of the term?
Well, if you consider your face to be a representation of your personality, here is some information on what your features have to say. Face shape and personality are believed to have a direct association. Certain personality traits can be deciphered from the characteristics of your face. For instance:
- A long and thin face is indicative of endurance. A person with this face is believed to be firm and confident, and someone who leaves no stone unturned in the quest to fulfill his dreams.
- A broad face is suggestive of broad-mindedness. People with a broad face are said to have a broad perspective towards life. Typically, they are sensitive in nature.
Here’s more on face shapes and the personality traits associated with them.
Round: Round-faced people generally have a strong bone structure, flat cheekbones, a round chin, and a wide nose. Their faces are full and have no angular features. Jovial in nature, they are sensitive, caring, sincere, and reliable. They tend to have sexual fantasies. They prefer long-term and stable relationships. They are hardworking and dedicated, mentally sharp and influential. A good family life, comfort, and luxury are of importance to them.
Oval: People with an oval-shaped face have round cheekbones, a medium nose, a pointed chin, and a face narrowing at the jaw line. Highly dedicated and people of principles, they are fearless and authoritative. They are intelligent and diplomatic and have good interpersonal skills. They may lack physical and temperamental strength.
Oblong: The cheekbones of oblong-faced people are not much wider than their forehead or jawline. Their face is straight. These people have an athletic build. There is a strong spiritual side to their personalities and they are creative. They may have complicated relationships.
Diamond: People with diamond-shaped faces are characterized by prominent cheekbones, a regular nose, and a pointed chin. Perfectionists by nature, they are confident and strong-willed. They make good leaders. They are seen to have a quick temper and are found to be unpredictable. They achieve success late in life and may not have very successful relationships.
Triangle: People with triangular faces have wide foreheads, prominent cheekbones and a pointed chin. They are active but may have less stamina. They are intelligent and lively, but driven by their emotions, they may get depressed quite easily. They are seen to be creative and sensitive. They are intellectual and slightly impatient.
Heart/Inverted Triangle: Those with a heart-shaped face have large foreheads and their faces taper towards the chin, thus forming an inverted triangle. They are self-analyzers, quick thinkers and they possess good memory. They are ambitious and they love independence. They do not have an easygoing nature. They value sincerity and commitment.
Pear: Those with a pear-shaped face have narrow foreheads and the face is broad in the region of the cheekbones and the jawline. They tend to feel anxious quite easily and need to be motivated often. They come across as warm and amiable.
Sqauare: People with a square-shaped face have a wide forehead and jaw, angular features, and typically a strong bone structure. Practical and materialistic in nature, they are very competitive. They are aggressive and rebellious and they dislike being challenged. They have good decision-making and leadership skills.
Rectangle: The rectangular-faced have a strong forehead, a wide jawline and a broad chin. They come across as slightly dominating and ambitious. They are intelligent, analytical, hardworking and they possess self-control. They are strong and active. They make good leaders.
A variation to this face shape is a quadrilateral that is wide at the top and narrow at the chin. People with this face shape are found to be creative and outgoing. Now invert this shape. That gives a face which broadens from top to bottom (a narrow forehead and wide jaws). People with this face shape are strong and competitive and have a dominating nature.
Chinese theory of Interpretation of Facial features
The Chinese have their own theory of interpreting facial shapes and features.
- According to them, ears that are above the eyebrow level, flat against the head and with long earlobes are supposed to be auspicious. Small earlobes and a narrow door are not considered auspicious.
- It is believed that people with long and dark eyebrows are lucky while those with pale and thin eyebrows are not.
- A high, straight bridge of the nose is an auspicious sign, while it is considered inauspicious to have a low and crooked nose.
- Symmetrically balanced and closed lips are considered fortunate, while those with contrary characteristics are considered unlucky.
- A full fleshy chin signifies luck, while a thin and pointed chin is supposed to be unlucky.
- Large, wide-set eyes are considered auspicious. Small, close-set eyes with small pupils are considered unlucky.
Other interpretations of Facial features.
Here are some other interpretations of facial features.
- The crown of the head suggests the degree of authority that a person has. If the crown is low, the person lacks confidence. An overdeveloped crown is representative of an authoritarian.
- Having silky hair is indicative of sensitivity. Thick and wiry hair indicates physical strength.
- People who have a wide forehead are considered clever and idealistic. Those with a narrow forehead are believed to face obstacles in success. A shallow forehead might cause parental troubles during youth. If one’s hairline is set back and not narrow and if he has a pointed forehead, it indicates high levels of intelligence.
- Eyebrows are said to reflect one’s fame as well as temperamental balance. A thick brow over the bridge of the nose indicates a possessive nature.
- Small, squinty eyes denote an introvert person while bright and prominent eyes that gaze steadily indicate a persevering nature. Wandering eyes reflect a person’s impatience and restlessness. A person with eyes like these is seen to be unsettled and might also be dishonest. Evenly set eyes mean that the person has a unique approach of looking at things. A person with this type of eyes is considered to be good at analyzing situations and making the right choices. Eyes that slant upwards signify an opportunist, while those slanting downward are indicative of a submissive person.
- A large and high bridge of the nose denotes high levels of energy. A small nose is suggestive of a reserved nature. A straight nose indicates discipline.
- Full lips denote a caring nature. Large lips are indicative of the love for luxury. Narrow lips are indicative of a less emotional person.
- Large-eared individuals are intellectuals while the ones with small ears are impulsive in nature.
- A strong jawline indicates a stubborn nature. That combined with fullness of cheeks denotes an authoritative nature.
- If a person has a rounded or square-shaped chin, he is believed to have a peaceful old age. A protruding chin is indicative of a self-willed person while a receding chin indicates a weak-willed individual.
Reading a face can be subjective. It may not be easy to describe each facial feature in terms of its shape or size, as they are relative. For example, a face may not be perfectly circular or square-shaped. An apparently round face may show a slightly angular nature. Similarly, a square-shaped face may taper very slightly towards the forehead or the chin. And talking of big, medium, or small features, there are no exact measures for them and thus, sizes are relative.
One’s face shape can give only a broad idea of his personality. The facial features may be suggestive of certain personality traits but the inferences will usually be inexact. Though one’s face is not a direct derivative of what kind of a person he is, it is definitely an interface to the self within.