Face reading techniques can prove to be very useful in your professional and personal lives. It can save your job and your relationship as it helps you learn more about an individual and decide a right action at the right time.
Face reading techniques help you learn a lot about a person’s inner characteristics and nature. They will help you notice if the person is hardworking or a sinister character. These techniques have been around since Aristotle’s time. There are a vast history and extensive literature available regarding face reading or physiognomy. The classical literature containing information on face reading by Homer, Hippocrates have also been around, but the crown for carrying out extensive research and study on physiognomy goes to Aristotle. He studied the various features like color, skin, hair, limbs, gait, and even voice and noted down his interpretations. The practice of physiognomy or face reading techniques have also been noted by Latin classical authors like Jubenal, Suetonius and Pliny the Elder.
The initial face reading techniques were descriptive in nature and the medieval ones related to the predictive and astrological sides. Al-Razi, an Arab writer and alchemist and Avicenna a renowned scholar have also been known to have contributed a lot to the literature related to physiognomy. By the 18th and 19th century, the art of physiognomy was widely used to detect criminal tendencies. In the 20th century, these techniques became popular in the interpretation of mental faculties and character traits. Franz-Joseph Gall developed a method of pure empiricism that according to him could detect the criminal minds.
Dr Edward Vincent Jones, a US Superior Court Judge, in the 1920s went on to study the physiognomy traits. He was motivated to learn more about this subject as he found many similarities between the hundreds and thousands of people he met in his courtroom. With the earlier literature as his basis, he resolved the contradicting statements in and came up with his own sixty-four physical traits and called it ‘personology’. These personology traits are also seen in systems other than physiognomy. American psychologist Paul Ekman, in the 1960s, started a face reading business, where he found the face as an instrument to communicate. This facial communication according to him is governed by certain rules that help in reading facial expressions.
Face Reading Tips with Pictures
The inquisitive human mind has always been fascinated to know more about the minds of his fellow-men. The ancient Chinese method of face reading believed in the ideology that the human face was a reflection of the inner spirit and the people of Medieval Europe thought the face was synonymous with virtue. There are over 100 points on the face that you can analyze and find more about a person.
Facial Shape
You can learn a lot about a person with his or her facial shape. The following common facial shapes will help you learn a few face reading tips:

What a Round Face Say About You
They are known as water-shaped faced people. They have a plump and fleshy face. People with round faces are an emotional lot. They are known to be sensitive and caring. They are thought to have strong sexual fantasies. If you are looking forward to a long-term, stable relationship, these people will prove to be the right choice.
What an Oblong Face Say About You
The long, thin face is called the wood-shape face. These people may have a muscular or athletic physique. They are thought to be practical, methodical and tend to be a tad more overworked. They have weighed along with narcissism and may have problematic relationships.
What a Triangular Face Say About You
These face types are usually related to a thin body and intellectual suasion. They are considered to be creative and thought to have a fiery temperament according to the Chinese face readers.
What a Square Face Say About You
They are known as the metal shape face. These people are thought to have an intelligent, analytical and decisive mind. The face shape is associated with an aggressive and dominating nature.
Face Profile
There are five types of face profiles that you should consider when trying to read a person with the help of these techniques.

What a Convex Face Profile Say About You
The person with the convex profile types has a sloping forehead, slightly prominent brows and a large nose that is slightly curved. They also have a receding chin shape. These people come under the category of hard-headed people who have a demanding nature and an impatient streak.
What a Concave Face Profile Say About You
The people with concave profile type have a prominent forehead, almost flat eyebrows, smaller and straight or slightly inward curved or bent nose. They have a flat mouth and well-formed chin that has an outward curve. These people are thought to be a good-natured and patient. They tend to judge over things intentionally.
What a Plane Face Profile Say About You
The plane profile type neither has the intentional character of the concave type or the demanding nature of the convex type. They have a consistent character and a balanced state of mind.
What a Concave-Convex Face Profile Say About You
This profile has individuals with a concave upper part and a lower convex part. These people tend to be of a very weak character and are often impulsive in nature. They tend to be very unreliable people.
What a Convex-Concave Face Profile Say About You
The upper face is convex and the lower face is concave. These people are said to have a dominating and ruling personality. They are also associated with the intentional and persistent nature of the concave profile.
Forehead Shape
The three forehead shape types are:

Straight Forehead
These are known as progressive thinkers and follow a progressive style of thinking. They cannot think of a third point until they understand the second point. They are mostly misunderstood in childhood as dumb kids. It is the progressive style that slows down their thinking; they do not have a fast reflex. They have difficulty when working under pressure and need time to think progressively. Thus they tend to lose their control during the last few minutes before exam ends and cases of deadlines.
Slopped Forehead
These people are fast thinkers and so quick they tend to complete your sentences before you finish. They are easily bored with people with the straight forehead as they cannot slow down to match their speed. You can find basketball players and football players with slopped foreheads as they are quick and fast. They are also quick decision makers and thus tend to get caught in a lot many wrong decisions.
Curved Forehead
These are very creative people and do not like restrictions thrust on them. They love to use their imagination and hate to do maths and accounts. They are very good with arts and areas related to creativity and imagination. The curve of their head tends to occupy a large section of their brain, thus are very intelligent and you may find many geniuses in among them.
Eyes and Eyebrows

The face reading techniques in respect to the eyebrows also reveal a lot about a person. If a person has weak or thin eyebrows, he tends to be indecisive and has may lack slightly in self-confidence. Bushy eyebrows indicate assertiveness and strong personality. Unibrow shows an intense persistent and these people tend to be jealous and possessive in nature. They are introverts and tend to think a lot.
Eye Shapes

What Does Prominent Eyes Say About You
If someone has prominent eyes you can conclude that they are bright and happy and you may consider the person as a kind-hearted, friendly and approachable individual.
What Does Small, Shifty Eyes Say About You
Small, shifty eyes indicate a nervous temperament. Small eyes may also indicate a perfectionist and attentive person.
What Does Close-set eyes Say About You
Eyes that are close-set tend to show good concentration power.
What Does Wide-set Eyes Say About You
Wide-set eyes indicate a broad-minded and tolerant person and have a little regard for figures of authority.
What Does Uneven Set Eyes Say About You
Uneven set eyes show the person has a different look out at things from different perspectives.
What Does Upward Slanting Eyes Say About You
The upward slanting eyes show an opportunistic person and someone who gets what he wants. People with deep-set eyes are intense, progressive and observant. They are usually into creative and writing fields. You can even learn more about a person by the way he or she looks, whether a warm-hearted person or cold and cruel nature or an amorous lover.

What Does Your Mouth Shape Say About You
The small shaped mouth shows a tendency of being feminine and men with small mouth tend to be shy and not very manly in their ways. The Large mouth shows a talkative person and the width indicates the generosity of character.
What Does Your Lip Shape Say About You
Thin top lips and full bottom lips indicate people who cannot reciprocate in a relationship. And full top lip and thin lower lip shows an over giving person. Caring and sensitive nature are indicated by full round lips and small lips mean a self-centred personality. Lips that are curved upward indicate an optimistic person and downward curve shows a hard to please person.

The shape of the different types of noses is very important trait in these techniques. A person with a high, straight, full and fleshy tip that has a gently flared but protected nostril is thought to be the ideal nose shape. The fleshy tip is a symbol of warmth, cordiality and a deep sense of empathy. They have high standards set for themselves and are good mannered souls.
People with big or oversized nose tips indicate violent streaks and larger nose tips shows that is more prone to violent acts. An aquiline nosed person is a strong-willed, independent and enterprising individual. An upturned nose indicates someone who loves to mix with people around him.

The crow’s-feet or wrinkles around the eyes indicate an open-hearted person. They are also called joy lines as these people tend to spread happiness wherever they go. Vertical frown lines between the eyes show a logical, hardworking and a very decisive individual. The purpose lines, that is, lines extending from the nose to the mouth are indicative of people who are walking on the right path of life.

A strong jawline is indicative of a very strong value system in a person. They are quick to judge and have high stamina as well as endurance power. These people tend to be stubborn. Weak jawline indicates weak personality and weak-willed person. They are easily influenced by others and tend to live life according to terms set by others. People with a wider jawline than the ear line indicate a highly competitive person. They hate losing and do not tolerate competition.
Face reading is not an exact science. You need to learn and understand a lot before you can claim to be a face reading expert. Face reading is similar to palm reading, you can never claim it to be exact and true, but you always tend to believe by giving it the benefit of doubt. Reading a face like an open book is not an easy task and you require a lot of talent to decipher the truth behind the mask.